We Reveal
the Value
of Data.
Greater insight. Better informed decisions.

An Internet of (Political) Things
Legislative & opposition analytics web app. Reveals unique and powerful insights into public policy and policy makers that enable caucuses, advocates, lobbyists and candidates to forge alliances, set priorities and model outcomes more effectively.

An Internet of (Visual) Things
Commercial artists' portfolio management web app. Enables commercial artists to manage information about their work and share it with prospective clients according to particular requirements.

An Internet of (Marketing) Things
Marketing command and control web app. Puts details about campaign execution at teams' fingertips. Tools to plan, recruit, schedule, track, analyze and report outcomes. Enables clients to follow online using custom reports and visualizations. Saves time, cuts costs, gives agencies greater competitive advantage.

An Internet of (Scholarship) Things
Scholarship matching web app for higher ed institutions. Enables colleges and universities to manage details of their scholarships, match students who fit donors' wishes, and analyze and report outcomes in the most favorable lights.

An Internet of (Academic) Things
Content management for higher ed professors. Simple, efficient, low-cost solution for managing information about professional publications, students, courses, syllabuses, labs, tutorials and assignments in ways that provide easy, optimized access to such information, where and when its needed, by teachers and students.
Public policy treemap
Treemap visualizing public policy in Connecticut using a taxonomy developed by Readily Apparent based on over 11,000 acts proposed by state legislators from 2009-2013. Select a policy area to drill down through related sub-categories. Data provided by the Connecticut General Assembly.
New threat to Spotted Owl
An "invasion" by Barred Owls poses a new threat to the survival of Spotted Owls in the Pacific Northwest.
Federal plans to experiment with removing Barred Owls looked at a range of areas and alternatives, including a "Preferred" plan now underway.
Model Taxonomy for Environmental Management in CT
Hiearchical relationships for environmental management issues based on missions and activities of Connecticut's community-based organizations.
Quarterbacks by the numbers
Concept for visualization of ESPN's Total QB Rating. Check a QB to plot their performance on key measures. Mouseover QB's line for summary data.
Flow Report
Flow report visualizing paths users took to browse video effects on a provider's web site. Mouseover for details.